
Schultz & Williams is a national consulting firm that has partnered with outstanding, inspiring nonprofit clients to make a difference in an ever-changing world for more than 30 years. Our deep bench of nonprofit experts has worked in our clients’ shoes at organizations just like those we serve. That means we take a uniquely informed and effective approach to address each client’s situation. Our tailor-made plans achieve short- and long-term goals through results-driven development consulting, direct marketing, strategic planning, digital campaigns & interim staffing.

Our services include:

*Development Consulting

Our consultants partner with nonprofits to build a stronger base of philanthropic funding to support their unique missions. Services include development assessments and comprehensive development plans; campaign planning studies and campaign implementation; Board development and training; and innovative approaches to annual giving, major and planned giving, and institutional support.

*Direct Response

Our creative team of marketing experts takes a holistic approach to direct response fundraising and membership acquisition and has grown to become a full-service, integrated team of professionals who offer exceptional strategy, award-winning creative and comprehensive analysis. S&W’s strength is enhanced by combining the firm’s development and marketing expertise with digital tactics and established direct-mail programs that have the greatest potential for success in today’s competitive philanthropic landscape.

*Strategic Planning

Today more than ever, nonprofit organizations need a clear strategic direction to ensure their future relevance, success and sustainability. Schultz & Williams meets this need with holistic, actionable strategic plans focused on measurable results.

These plans take shape through a process that is inclusive and engaging, creating real shared ownership. Our team behind the process draws on decades of experience in serving and leading nonprofits, and on our firm’s expertise in fundraising, marketing, and business planning. The result is a wide-angle view of each organization and its future and a strategic plan that combines inspiring vision with fundable, practical actions.

*Brand Marketing

Brand awareness is a top priority when competing in a crowded and competitive marketplace to cultivate donors, members and advocates. Schultz & Williams’ marketing team and professional partners recognize that strong values-driven organizational brands and donor-centric messaging inspire the generosity that’s needed to help organizations achieve their missions and goals. Through insights, strategies and direction, S&W brings a fully integrated, well-branded approach to capital and fundraising campaigns.

*Digital Communications

S&W’s dynamic digital team provides informed, strategic and creative plans for campaigns, utilizing best-practices, audience data and testing techniques to continually optimize the way nonprofits reach constituents. Tactics include email, social media and websites, leveraging a true multi-channel approach to fundraising that amplifies campaigns and programs employed in other channels.

*Data Analytics

Schultz & Williams harnesses the power of data through a number of powerful tools, taking development and fundraising programs to the next level. Through S&W ProFile Analytics™, Prospect Identification Modeling, Direct Marketing Insights, Advanced Audience Analysis, Philanthropic Capacity Screening and Database Audits, the firm’s expert analysts and senior level strategists provide actionable analysis and achievable results for a wide-range of fundraising and development programs.

*S&W StaffSolutions™

Because 100% of our senior level staff have served as nonprofit executives on “the other side of the desk,” Schultz & Williams has the talent and experience to help its clients fill critical staffing roles—from CEO to campaign director—with transitional, start-up and project-based experts in development, management and marketing. We have served more than 100 organizations with staffing solutions, turning these challenges into strategic opportunities for our clients.

For more information, please call 215.625.9955; email [email protected]; or visit schultzwilliams.com.


7920 Norfolk Avenue, Suite 550, Bethesda, District of Columbia 20814, United States